Concept Of Saatmya And Asaatmya In Ayurveda!

Saatmya And Asaatmya!

Vedic medicine is one of the world's oldest medical systems, having been founded in India between the years 2000 and 1000 B.C. Ancient Indian seers developed a unique system called Ayurveda, or "science of life," based on their experiences, observations, and natural resources. Ayurveda views each person as cognitively, emotionally, physiologically, and spiritually distinct. Every day, we construct and re-create our condition of health, wellness, and happiness, according to Ayurveda. What may improve one person's health, happiness, and ease of life may cause imbalances and sickness in another. One of the most significant components for our health, according to Ayurveda, is the Saatmya-asaatmya concept. Here, let's see what it's all about.


What is Saatmya?

Saatmya is a substance that is beneficial to an individual's well-being, and its use results in that individual's well-being. Superior (Pravar), inferior (Avar), and average are the three categories (Madhya). It is classified into seven types based on the administration of individual rasas or tastes (six types) and the use of rasas or tastes together (seven types) (seventh type). The outstanding type of saatmya is when all of the rasas are used, the inferior type is when just one rasa is used, and the mediocre form of saatmya is when none of the rasas are used. Saatmya is also used to convey the concept of okasaatmya (i.e., making a substance conducive to the body by regular use).

"सात्म्यंप्राणिना सेवितो यो मधुरादिरसो व्यायामादिर्वा सुखाय भवति तत् सात्म्यमुच्यते l"

(su. sutra 35/3- Dalhan teeka)

Concept of Oka saatmya and Asaatmya!

Oka saatmya refers to characteristics that are beneficial to a person even if they are used frequently. Individuals blessed with the ability to face difficult conditions, strength, and longevity are endowed with milk, ghee, oil, and meat soup, as well as pharmaceuticals and diets that include all six tastes. Those who are used to unappealing foods and pharmaceuticals, as well as diets with only one flavour have less resistance to challenging situations, less strength, have a shorter lifespan, and have less medical supplies, such as drugs for disease treatment. Individuals with a combination of both of these types of homologation have modest strength.

"उपशेते यदौचित्यादोकः सात्म्यं तदुच्यते l"

(Ch. Su. 6/49)

Asaatmya is a material that is unsuitable for one's own constitution. The non-suitability or non-adaptability of the Asaatmya theory to one's own individual has been described. In connection to Aahar and Chesta, the idea of Asaatmya gives information regarding disease-causing elements. Asaatmya is one of the most significant disease-causing variables. If a person is accustomed to just using drugs and diets with one flavour, the drugs and diets with the remaining flavours will be unfit for him or asaatmya.

Asaatmya and Maladies!

Asaatmya-Indriyarth Samyoga is the primary cause of disease development due to the unwholesome interaction of sensory organs, which results in the development of numerous diseases. Fasting, irregular dieting, abrupt changes in food habits without following proper procedure, inhalation of allergic substances, seasonal variations, intake of poisonous water, and resorting to unwholesome regimen after delivery, among other things, cause Doshas to become aggravated, resulting in the development of a variety of diseases.

Many disorders, such as Grahani roga, Ajirna, Sannipataja Atisara, Kasa Roga, Abhyantara Vidradhi, Kaphaja Krimi, Ksayaja Kasa, Svayathu, Chardi, Dhwajabhanga and Annaja Hikka are associated with the term Asaatmya.

"असात्म्यमिति तद्विद्याद्यन्न याति सहात्मताम् l"

(Ch. Sh. 1/127)

Relevance Of Saatmya - Asaatmya Theory?!

Saatmya-asaatmya theory is founded on a variety of elements, but the factors that are responsible for maintaining the body's cells, tissues, and mind are considered to be the most basic fundamental factors of Saatmya. Habitual usage of medications, diet, and regimen with illness and habitat traits that are diametrically opposed. It is stated that an implacable balance is achieved concerning the various powers that support the preservation and conservation of health via the use of appropriate substances regularly. If a disease is caused by factors such as appropriateness, constitution, location, season, and so on, it is quite easy to cure. The Saatmya and Asaatmya character of food and activities determine the enhancement of happiness, strength and Vyadhikshamatava.

Diet and routine, that is opposed to the Doshas responsible for the formation of a specific Prakriti, are recommended for health maintenance. For example, people in India's eastern states are accustomed to eating healthy fish. The usage of oil and sour ingredients is considered healthy by Asmantaka and Avantika. People in the Malaya mountain region are accustomed to consuming nutritious rhizomes, roots, and fruits. Peya (thin gruel) is healthy food for people living in India's southern region. Mantha (roasted corn flour combined with water) is healthy food for people in India's northwestern and western regions. The consumption of barley, wheat, and milk products is healthy for those living in India's middle belt.

"देशकालप्रमाणानां सात्म्यासात्म्यस्य चैव हि। सम्यग्योगोऽन्यथा ह्येषां पथ्यमप्यन्यथा भवेत ||"

(Ch. Chi. 30/293)

Role In Treatment

During the treatment process, understanding Saatmya and Asaatmya are crucial. The disease "Aindriyaka" is caused by excessive, improper, or insufficient use of sensory faculties. Satmyikarana is a method of adaptation that involves gradually and logically giving up Asaatmya substance and gradually accepting Saatmya stuff. This can be accomplished by gradually abandoning Asaatmya and adopting Saatmya practises until the Asaatmya practises are completely eradicated and the Saatmya practises are totally adopted. According to Charaka, the process of abandoning Asaatmya activities and adopting Saatmya practises was totally finished on the seventh day. Samikarana theory, according to some Acharyas, should be practised for 10 days, 12 days, or 15 days.

Many disorders benefit from the Satmyikarana procedure, which can be used to diagnose and treat them. The Satmyikarana hypothesis is crucial since it aids in maintaining the body's equilibrium. Many diseases are caused by Asaatmyaj Ahara and Viruddha Aahar, Costochondritis, which are key causative elements. As a result, treatment should include avoiding Asaatmyaj Aahar and Viruddha Aahar, as well as using Saatmya philosophy to cure disease. In the Dashvidha Pariksha, Dwadashvidh Pariksha, and Trayodashvidha Pariksha, the word Saatmya is employed in various contexts for disease management.

To be concluded...

To defend the host from microorganisms and their virulence factor, the human immune system has evolved sophisticated defense mechanisms. In Ayurveda, this notion is related to Bala. As Sarvarasa Saatmya results in good immunological capacity, and Sahaj Saatmya may be called inherent immunity, the Saatmya theory is indirectly related. Based on the foregoing, it may be deduced that Ayurveda is the science of individual and environmental adjustment, which is referred to as Satmya, and non adjustment as Asatmya. With the collecting of knowledge concerning Saatmya and Asaatmya, the conceptual groundwork has been laid. Ayurveda's Saatmya and Asaatmya theories provide a wealth of knowledge on suitability indices and non-suitability indices for each individual.

Author Bio

Dr. Vikram Chauhan is one of the best Ayurvedic doctor from Chandigarh, North India. Chandigarh is situated in north India about 200 miles north of New Delhi. Ayurvedic medicine is getting quiet popular now a days and Dr. Vikram Chauhan is leading Ayurvedist from Chandigarh having solved many complicated cases from North India as well as rest of the world. Know More about Dr. Vikram Chauhan

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Mathew Ayipalah - Feb 5, 2022, 9:27 PM - Add Reply

Good write up

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