When you read anything its remain in your mind for very long time, so basically what we read , the coming thoughts depends on it . whenever you read any thing just think , how your brain will work .It is very important to know that your overall personality depends on your day to day life.

Good thoughts can be came with good reading , read good novels and stay away from mental problems is the medicine of healthy brain. Reading is a habit which grows us , which makes our personality but the problem is that very less people out there who loves to read and write .

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Reading and writing both are important aspects of our life , we want happy life , and the answer is "YES".But how can we get this happy life , very simple answer is "keep the habit of reading ".A person who reads a lot stay away from most of the problems because the knowledge he gather from reading habit makes him eligible to find every solution of their problems.

Today I choose this topic "reading "because in the world of digital world everyone is busy in their own world .I want to ask many people how many of people out there who loves to read or from how many years they have read any novel or book. And I knew that most of the people start thinking that when was the last time they took any novel in their hand.

There are so many amzing writer and authors in the world , whose creative mind are ruling the world with there beatiful thoughts .Writer when write any thing , they put there heart on it. They want to heal the people with their lovely words . Writing and reading are very important as it makes stress free .

In my opinion every one should read and write , don't think of anyone when you write .You write for your self , when you write for yourself , every one will appreciate it afterwards. 

As I am writing today because when you write anything , you forget what;s going around you , you just be your self at that time .

So how can you learn to write , this questions came in all those who is reading this .Answer is that every one should start makes a habit of reading. Reading makes your thoughts active , when your thoughts get active ,your brain automatically started working what you want to write .

Its almost one year that I make the habit of reading and writing .And I must say that it will heal you from inside. This is not a joke , this is my personal experience. 

"Books are your best friend " we always heard this from our school days and now as we grown up ,we truly understands its exact meaning. 

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So at last I just want to say to every amazing people out there "that just start reading ".Pick up just one of your favourite novel and keep swimming on with your beautiful thoughts , which keep coming when you are reading.

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